一、防爆動力配電箱適用范圍 Explosion-proof power distribution box applicable scope
1. 爆 炸性氣體環(huán)境危險場所:1區(qū)、2區(qū);
2. 可燃性氣體、蒸氣級別:ⅡA、ⅡB;
3. 溫度組別:T1~T4;
4. 戶內、戶外(IP54)。
1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture: 1 division, 2 division;
2. Flammable gas, steam class: ⅡA、ⅡB;
3. Temperatures classification: T1~T4;
4. Indoor and outdoor (IP54).
二、防爆動力配電箱產品特點 Explosion-proof power distribution box product features
1. 本產品為復合型,開關箱采用隔爆型結構,母線箱及出線箱采用增按型結構。
2. 鑄鋁合金外殼,內裝高分斷小型斷路器或塑殼式斷路器。有C45、C65、CM1可供選擇。
3. 具有過載短路保護功能。
4. 有特殊要求可特制。
5. 鋼管或電纜布線均可。
1. The box is of combined type, its switch compartment is of explosion-proof structure, busbar and outlet compartment adopt safety-increased structure.
2. The shell is made of diecasted Al-alloy, inside is installed MCB or MCCB. Has C45, C65, CM1 to be supplied.
3. With protections of overload and short-circuit.
4. Special type can be made.
5. Suitable for both steel pipe and cable wiring.
三、防爆動力配電箱技術參數 Explosion-proof power distribution box technical parameters
1. Executive standard: GB3836.1.2.3-2000 / IEC60079
2. ExdeIIBT6 * symbol: ExdeIICT6 explosion
3. The rated voltage: AC380V / 220V / 50HZ
4. The main circuit rated current: 60A - 400A
5. Protection level: IP55
6. The anti-corrosion class: WF1
四、防爆動力配電箱訂貨須知 Explosion-proof power distribution box order guidelines